It is with greatest pleasure and deepest honour that we merge with Little Oaks Academy in Whitby, Ontario. Tracy, who is the founder of Little Oaks and Sylvia, founder of Agora Prep and Plus Academies have joined efforts to provide the same, amazing pedagogy to children of ALL ABILITIES!

Tracy and Sylvia share so much in common and they are aligned on all that things that matter when it comes to educating our future leaders. Tracy is compassionate, experienced, knowledgeable and extremely focused on equipping children with the real-life, life-long skills they require to succeed and lead in the future. Sylvia and Tracy are joining forces to embed the skills of Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication in students of all grade levels: Kindergarten to grade 12. With the help of Ontario Virtual School (OVS), they provide a learning hub that is facilitated and moderated through our exceptional high-school program, offering in-person, loving and attentive care to our senior students who require our utmost attention. Little Oaks@Agora provides a safe and comfortable space for high-schoolers to complete their school work while being taught real-life skills like cooking, baking, sewing, knitting, mechanics, trades and other skills!
Our Kindergarten programs are flexible and offered in the morning and afternoons for 2.5 hours. Every child is has an amazing purpose on this earth and we would like to make them shine as brightly as they are meant to shine! Literacy, music, art, math, outdoor and life-skill learning is all part of the package. We excel in engaging and highlighting children’s natural capacities and tendencies. Sign up for KINDERGARTEN @ Agora today!
Our Elementary School – Grades 1-8 programs are also incredible. From engaging, stimulating, age-appropriate activities to inquiry-based, collaborative projects that ignite curiousity and optimize the natural learning process for every child. The journey of learning is innate and creative genius is an incredible aspect of childhood that is often underutilized. We fail to understand the unlimited potential of a child’s ability to solve complex problems with the simplest, creative solutions. The awe-inspiring genius of young children is not only recognized in today’s society but also quite often diminished by traditional school systems. See this Nasa Study on Creative Genius Here.
So many of our national problems would be solved by a revival
Richard W. Samson
of the innovative spirit that built this great nation. It is
amazing that this effort has been shoved to a back burner ….
We are a learning environment that offers freedom of choice, freedom of voice and freedom of being for students and staff. We are secular and we believe that children don’t get to choose the religion, race, gender, socioeconomic or family they are born into. Hence, we celebrate them AS THEY ARE for WHO THEY ARE BORN TO BE!
We have opted to take some non-traditional approaches towards learning, i.e., flexible seating options, eat anytime you are hungry, visit the restroom when you feel without asking, sensory area to decompress, mental health activities, etc. However, we are sticking with some traditional instruction that is highly beneficial for the child’s future, e.g., multiplication tables, phonics, cursive, financial literacy and real-life work opportunities. It is important to strike a delicate balance in the education of this particular generation. They are inundated with SO MUCH input from social media, YouTube, movies, music, societal pivoting norms and trends…sometimes it is too high of an intensity and children simply cannot process it all so they become depressed, anxious and fearful. It is important to monitor the consumption of data and update our educational systems to equip children with the skills to logically contend with all the data and weed out the falsified fiction from the imperative facts.

Little Oaks @ Agora is the next step in our expansion. This methodology of education is gaining traction in Aurora and Markham, Ontario. We are excited to continue helping children of all abilities grow and be inspired to become future leaders!
If you want to register, please email info@agoraprep.com or call us at 1-888-524-6725 and ask us about the programs being offered in Durham Region, Ontario.