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*New* Markham Location

8333 Kennedy Rd, Unit 28, Markham, ON
Student practicing with letters

Incredible Learning Happens HERE!

Kindergarten to grade 6

Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan and Family

The Director / Principal: Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is a wealth advisor to a select group of high-net-worth Canadian families. He provides full-service strategic financial planning, including professional investment management, tax and estate, philanthropic, and multi-generational succession planning. Mike’s investment background spans public and private markets, real estate, farmland, digital assets, and venture capital.

His latest foray is the one he’s most excited about—private education! The goal: provide children around the world the educational experience they deserve but aren’t getting. To make this a reality, Mike has teamed up with Agora Prep Academy founder Sylvia Martignani, to bring this remarkable institution to a community near you. As a father of two young children himself, this “investment” is the closest to his heart.

Student working with hands to construct
We use lego and other building blocks to teach engineering skills, mathematics, science, language and so much more.
Happy Agora Prep Academy student
Learning about nature and how we can protect the environment from harm. This is our world and we need to keep it healthy.
Inspriration text writen on stone hey, you've got this!
No matter what your gift or superpower may be, we accommodate all learners and believe that our role is to discover and cultivate your child’s purpose.