Agora is once again running its incredible learning fun summer camps. Academics such as literacy, math and science will be infused into our “funtastic” programming that is designed to engage, invigorate and keep children excited about sports, life skills and their amazing talents. We will cover it all! Children of ALL ABILITIES are welcome into our environment.

All this for only $200 per week! You choose the weeks you would like to attend between July 3rd and August 23rd.
If you are interested in enrolling, please fill out the application package and submit to as soon as possible! Limited spots available since many of our own students are returning for the summer.
Also note that you will get a discount on enrollment fees if you are interested in full time academic care starting September 2024.
Application Package:
We welcome students with ASD, Adhd and all other differentiated learners. This is a camp for everyone especially those who are gifted in ways we don’t really recognize often.
Here are the themes for the summer:

Just choose the week number you prefer for you child(ren) and let us know!
Thank you and have an amazing summer!